
Checkmate integrates directly with Bullhorn, allowing you to launch pre-employment checks, view status updates and see results and histories all without having to leave the application.
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Bullhorn’s staffing and recruitment software helps take the complexity out of your recruitment cycle. Make better decisions, boost sales and productivity and effectively keep track of your applicant management process with a single, easy-to-use interface.

Checkmate integrates directly with your Bullhorn account to help simplify your HR processes even further. Launch pre-employment checks, view status updates and see results and histories all without having to leave Bullhorn’s software. Our seamless integration helps you save time and takes the hassle out of repetitive, manual processes.

Try it free
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Quick Setup

Have your Checkmate and Bullhorn accounts integrated and seamlessly working together within just 24 hours.

Stay Seamlessly Updated

View any status updates for candidate checks, including results and history, directly from Bullhorn. No more time wasted switching between applications.

Launch Multiple Checks 

Choose the checks that work for you. Select and launch a bundle of pre-employment screenings for each individual candidate.

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Integration Steps

Bullhorn’s staffing and recruitment software helps take the complexity out of your recruitment cycle. Make better decisions, boost sales and productivity and effectively keep track of your applicant management process with a single, easy-to-use interface.

Checkmate integrates directly with your Bullhorn account to help simplify your HR processes even further. Launch pre-employment checks, view status updates and see results and histories all without having to leave Bullhorn’s software. Our seamless integration helps you save time and takes the hassle out of repetitive, manual processes.

Request integration today!
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