
Conduct Checkmate pre-employment checks, view status updates and results and track candidate history directly from JazzHR.
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Say goodbye to time-consuming, manual HR processes that slow down your small business and hello to powerful all-in-one recruiting software with JazzHR. Streamline hiring and improve talent outcomes with JazzHR’s easy-to-use tools and make growing your company a seamless and empowering experience. 

Integrate your Checkmate account to automate repetitive tasks, centralise candidate information and data and find and hire top talent, fast.

Try it free
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Launch Multiple Checks & Stay Updated

Select and launch a bundle of pre-employment screenings, plus view all status updates, including results and history for each individual candidate, without leaving the platform. 

Simple Setup

Have your Checkmate and JazzHR accounts integrated and seamlessly working together within just 24 hours.

Easy Integration

Join your Checkmate and JazzHR accounts and simplify your recruitment with a single interface.

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Integration Steps

Say goodbye to time-consuming, manual HR processes that slow down your small business and hello to powerful all-in-one recruiting software with JazzHR. Streamline hiring and improve talent outcomes with JazzHR’s easy-to-use tools and make growing your company a seamless and empowering experience. 

Integrate your Checkmate account to automate repetitive tasks, centralise candidate information and data and find and hire top talent, fast.

Request integration today!
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