Known for its demanding and high-risk environments, for businesses in the construction industry, safety, quality and reliability are paramount. Ensuring employees are competent, trustworthy and compliant with regulations is essential for having a working environment that can complete construction projects with minimal issues and risks. Having consistent pre-employment screening practices in place during recruitment, by using tools such as Checkmate, can help businesses find top-quality candidates and lower the possibility of various safety and efficiency concerns.

Halting Workplace Hazards

Construction sites are inherently dangerous, with workers exposed to heavy machinery, heights and hazardous materials every day. WorkSafe New Zealand reported in 2023 that the fatality rate in the construction industry was 4.41 workers for every 100,000. Having consistent background checks in place during recruitment, including criminal records and drug testing, can help identify unsuitable candidates who have substance abuse issues or a history of safety violations that could cause safety concerns. These checks not only protect individual candidates but those working with them.

Stop Those Sticky Fingers

Theft and fraud can have a significant financial impact on construction companies, with valuable tools, materials and equipment often at risk of being stolen. Construction businesses can also be at risk from fraud, such as hiring contractors who inflate working hours to increase their billing. Conducting pre-employment screening for company employees and contractors, including financial background checks and previous employment verification, can help flag potential candidates who may pose a theft or fraud risk. Having these consistent procedures in place can protect a company’s assets and help reduce potential unnecessary losses.

Keep Things Above Board

Construction projects are subject to various building regulations and safety standards. Non-compliance with these industry rules can lead to substantial fines and legal issues and complications that can be severely damaging to a business’s reputation. Ensuring thorough background checks on all candidates allows recruiters to confirm that all new hires meet the necessary regulatory requirements and have the appropriate certifications or clearances.

Always Competent and Qualified

The quality of construction work directly impacts the durability of buildings and infrastructure which has a direct effect on the safety of the occupants of those buildings. Verifying a candidate’s educational background, work experience and professional certifications ensures they have the necessary skills and knowledge to competently and safely build structures that will keep others safe. Having staff who maintain high construction standards also minimises potential errors and reduces the cost of having to redo any work. 

Safety First with Checkmate

Having consistent and reliable pre-employment screening processes in place during recruitment is essential for businesses in the construction industry. Ensuring worker safety, preventing theft and fraud and maintaining regulatory compliance all start with a business’s HR policies and procedures.

At Checkmate, we specialise in helping businesses minimise risk and maximise their potential through our comprehensive pre-employment screening services. Our detailed and compliant screening software ensures you hire the best candidates, every time.