Make the Right Hire Everytime with Checkmate’s Reference Checking Fraud Detection Tools

June 18, 2024
We’ve all heard of a reference check before, right? Pretty much every job in every industry does them because, well, they are pretty important to ensure the honesty and integrity of candidates and referees.
Seeing as we all have to do them, at Checkmate, we decided to develop a user-friendly reference-checking platform to make this routine process simpler, easier, more convenient and compliant, each and every time. We not only wanted to make things easier, we also wanted to ensure you’re always hiring the best people for your business.

Checkmate’s Reference Checking system is also great for the overall candidate experience. Our tool allows you to make the entire process seamless and transparent, so everyone can know what’s happening at each and every step.

Wondering exactly how we’ve made verifying the authenticity of responses a more enjoyable experience? Let’s find out!

Mixing fraud detection with reference checks

We start by checking out things like the location, device, domain and operating systems of your candidate and referees, to detect anything suspicious. For example, if a referee’s location is pinging overseas when they should be local, our algorithm will put a big red flag on this anomaly. We then alert you of this information and make sure it's highlighted in our reference check report, along with any other unusual activity the tool picks up.

The rest is up to you

From there, it’s up to you whether you want to take any action, and we have a few options you can follow.

After evaluating the nature of the suspicious activity we’ve flagged, you can choose whether to remove a candidate from the hiring process, directly contact the candidate to try and find out more and get an explanation for the irregularity or continue moving forward while keeping the anomaly in mind. If one of your candidate’s referees is rejected due to the suspicious activity, you can also put in a request for the candidate to add an additional referee.

Why is fraud detection so important?

Our platform is all about empowering you, the employer! Employees can make or break your business, and we want to make sure you have nothing but the best potential candidates working for you. We’re here to help you conduct comprehensive and trustworthy reference checks to make sure you can make informed hiring decisions, while mitigating risks from dishonest candidates and referees.

What are you waiting for?

Our tool helps employers, like you, have peace of mind knowing you’re always making the right hiring choice for your business, while also saving time on this often admin-heavy and time consuming task.

If you’re ready to make things a little bit easier and implement some automation into your referee checks, schedule your demo with our team today!