In today’s talent-driven market, candidate experience (CX) has become a crucial factor in gaining a competitive edge in recruitment. In our most recent webinar, Steve Gard, founder of the Circle Back Initiative and BenchmarCX, explored how organisations can leverage CX to differentiate themselves and attract top talent. Here’s a summary of key insights from the session.

Why Candidate Experience Matters

Steve opened by highlighting that CX is the foundation of any recruitment strategy. Regardless of your brand's strength or budget, poor candidate experience can undermine all recruitment efforts. From first contact to final decision, candidates evaluate how much a company values its people based on the recruitment process itself.

“Candidate experience trumps everything,” Steve emphasised. Companies might invest heavily in attraction strategies, but if candidates feel disengaged or undervalued, they won’t join your team. Even worse, a negative experience can result in damage to your employer brand and customer relationships, especially for B2C businesses.

CX Levels the Playing Field

Steve pointed out that candidate experience is the one recruitment element where all companies, regardless of size or brand recognition, start on equal ground. While smaller or less-known organisation's may not always compete on salary or reputation, they can provide a superior candidate experience to attract talent.

Data Spotlight:

  • 72% of candidates withdraw from a process due to a negative experience.
  • 50% of candidates would turn down an offer if they had a poor CX.
  • 88% of candidates with a bad experience as applicants leave as customers too—affecting revenue.

Measuring Candidate Experience

One of Steve’s central points was the importance of measuring candidate experience. Without quantifiable data, organisations are left guessing about what's working and what's not. Tools like BenchmarCX, or even simple surveys, allow companies to track CX and make targeted improvements.

Most companies believe their CX is above average, yet 60% of organisations don’t measure it. This creates an opportunity for businesses to gain a competitive edge by being proactive in understanding and enhancing CX. Steve shared that companies focusing on candidate experience see higher quality of hire, longer retention, and increased employee engagement.

Internal Candidates and CX

Internal candidates often face a lower focus on candidate experience compared to external ones. However, Steve stressed that this is a mistake. Data shows that 61% of internal applicants are applying for external roles at the same time, and their decision to stay may heavily depend on how they are treated during the internal hiring process.

The Long-Term Impact of CX

Steve highlighted a study by BHP that demonstrated the link between positive CX and higher levels of engagement and performance after hire. Candidates who experience positive recruitment processes are more likely to remain with the company and perform better. Those who enter with a poor candidate experience never reach the same levels of engagement, and the gap remains throughout their employment.

Key takeaway: Companies that invest in seamless, respectful recruitment processes are three times more likely to retain employees in the long run.

Quick Wins to Improve CX

Steve shared a few practical tips to quickly elevate candidate experience:

  1. Measure CX: Start tracking candidate feedback to identify where improvements are needed.
  2. Engage Hiring Managers: Educate managers on how their interactions with candidates impact overall CX.
  3. Optimise Communication: Timely and respectful communication throughout the process is key. Even candidates who aren’t hired should leave with a positive impression of the company.

CX as Your Secret Weapon

In a competitive recruitment landscape, providing an exceptional candidate experience is one of the most effective ways to stand out. From influencing the quality of hire to reducing early turnover and enhancing employer brand, a great CX strategy is more than a feel-good initiative—it’s a business imperative.

For organisations looking to get ahead, start by measuring your candidate experience, and build from there. As Steve says, “Who cares wins.”

If you’d like to hear more - you can check our the webinar recording here.

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